
DVF: Indexing Optimization

Part 2: Optimize the indexing process using bulk index requests and multi-threading.

Using Java Time In Different Frameworks

How to use Java Time in different frameworks? This article shares examples in Java concurrency classes, Jackson, Akka, and Elasticsearch.

Wrap Elasticsearch Response Into CompletableFuture

Wrap Elasticsearch client response into CompletableFuture in Java for Elasticsearch transport client or Java high level REST client.

Why Do We Need Completable Future?

Why do we need CompletableFuture? What is its strength compared to synchronous code and classic future in Java? How to remember its APIs?

Write An Actor In Akka

How to write a new actor in Akka in Java? This post explains actor creation, message reception, and testing.

3 Ways to Handle Exception In Completable Future

How to handle exception in CompletableFuture? This article explains the difference between handle(), whenComplete(), and exceptionally().

How CompletableFuture is tested in OpenJDK?

How CompletableFuture is tested in OpenJDK 14? What can we learn from it?

Asynchronous Processing in JAX-RS 2.x

Quick introduction of asynchrnous processing in JAX-RS 2.x on both server-side and client-side.

Akka: Testing Actor with TestActorRef

Unit testing Akka actor with "TestActorRef", which gives you access to underlying actor instance and runs the logic synchronously in a single-threaded environment.

Project qWatch

Quality Watch (qWatch) is a data aggregator for code quality, based on different metrics.


Using 100% CPU effortlessly in Java: submit all your tasks to thread pool and wait for completion.