Internal Working of Temporal Java Service Client

The module structure, APIs in protobuf, code generation, data conversion, authorization, and more.


The service client of Temporal is the key component for talking to the Temporal server, it’s built on top of gPRC. Today, I want to discuss the internal working of Temporal service client with you so that we can better understand how it works. This may be useful for troubleshooting and getting some for similar implementations.

In this article, we will talk about:

  • the module structure of the service client
  • the API contracts in protobuf
  • the code generation
  • the data conversion
  • the authorization
  • the workflow service stubs
  • and how to go further from this article

This article is written based on Temporal Java SDK v1.16. Now, let’s get started!

Module Structure

The Temporal service client is located under the path temporal-serviceclient of the Java SDK. It is split into the source code (main) and the test code. The source code is then split into Java source code and the protobuf messages for code generation.

➜  sdk-java git:(mincong/notes|u=) tree temporal-serviceclient/src -L 2
├── main
│   ├── java
│   └── proto
└── test
    ├── java
    └── resources

6 directories, 0 files

Going further into the Java source code, it contains 4 packages: authorization, configuration, internal, and service-client. The authorization package contains classes to supply the authorization info as the metadata (gRPC headers) for each gRPC request; the config package contains classes for storing keys for different configuration settings; the internal package is a catch-all package, it contains utility classes for different proposes: options, retry mechanism, testing, throttling, etc; and the serviceclient package contains classes for handling communication in gRPC: channel management, exception handling, interceptions (header, metrics, deadline, …), stubs, and more.

➜  sdk-java git:(mincong/notes|u=) tree temporal-serviceclient/src/main/java -L 3
└── io
    └── temporal
        ├── authorization
        ├── conf
        ├── internal
        └── serviceclient

6 directories, 0 files

In the following sections, we will go further into some of these components and tries to understand how it works.


Like most of the gRPC services, Temporal service client in Java uses protobuf (protocol buffers) to describe RPC actions and messages. The source code is stored under the path:


If you visit the source code on Github, you will probably notice that the proto directory is actually a Git submodule, meaning that the source code is not stored in the same Git repository (temporalio/sdk-java), but in another one called API (temporalio/api). You can find this in the .gitmodules file as well:

➜  sdk-java git:(mincong/notes|u=) cat .gitmodules
[submodule "temporal-serviceclient/src/main/proto"]
	path = temporal-serviceclient/src/main/proto
	url =

This is smart! By doing so, there is one source of truth for the Temporal gRPC APIs, and all the SDKs can reference it as a Git submodule. Currently, there are 6 SDKs for the Temporal clients: Java, Ruby, Rust, Typescript, PHP, and Go.

Going inside the proto directoy, you can see that the Temporal APIs are stored in the following structure:


More precisely:

➜  sdk-java git:(mincong/notes|u=) tree temporal-serviceclient/src/main/proto/temporal/api
├── command
│   └── v1
│       └── message.proto
├── common
│   └── v1
│       └── message.proto
├── enums
│   └── v1
│       ├── command_type.proto
│       ├── common.proto
│       ├── event_type.proto
│       ├── failed_cause.proto
│       ├── namespace.proto
│       ├── query.proto
│       ├── reset.proto
│       ├── schedule.proto
│       ├── task_queue.proto
│       └── workflow.proto
├── ...

For example, you can see the message StartWorkflowExecutionRequest in the request_response.proto and the related RPC action in the service.proto:

➜  sdk-java git:(mincong/notes|u=) rg '[^\w]StartWorkflowExecutionRequest' temporal-serviceclient/src/main/proto/temporal/api/
90:    rpc StartWorkflowExecution (StartWorkflowExecutionRequest) returns (StartWorkflowExecutionResponse) {

138:message StartWorkflowExecutionRequest {

These proto files are used for generating the service stubs. In the next section, we will see how code generation works in Java.

Code Generation

The code generation from protobuf to Java is done by the protocol buffer compiler. The compiler reads the .proto description of the data structure and creates classes that implement automatic encoding and parsing of the protocol buffer data with an efficient binary format. In the case of Temporal service client, this is hooked into the Gradle build system using the protobuf plugin:

plugins {
    id '' version '0.8.19'

and io.grpc:protoc-gen-grpc-java:

plugins {
    grpc {
        artifact = 'io.grpc:protoc-gen-grpc-java:1.48.1'

When building in macOS, there are small differences between building the code in Intel (x86_64) or in M1 (aarch64). But this is handled internally by the Gradle build script, so you don’t have to know about it. When running the Gradle build command (skip tests if you want to be faster), you will have all the messages generated for you:

➜  sdk-java git:(mincong/notes|u=) ./gradlew clean build -x test

The key generated classes are the blocking stub and the future stub of the gRPC service. They are part of the implementation of the workflow service stubs (WorkflowServiceStubsImpl) as you can see in the source code below:

package io.temporal.serviceclient;

// ...
import io.temporal.api.workflowservice.v1.GetSystemInfoResponse;
import io.temporal.api.workflowservice.v1.WorkflowServiceGrpc;

final class WorkflowServiceStubsImpl implements WorkflowServiceStubs {

  private final WorkflowServiceGrpc.WorkflowServiceBlockingStub blockingStub;
  private final WorkflowServiceGrpc.WorkflowServiceFutureStub futureStub;

  // ...

Blocking stub runs the actions in blocking style (synchronously), i.e. it waits until the completion (success or failure) of the execution before returning the result. On the other side, future stub runs the actions in an asynchronous style. Below, you can see some of the methods provided by the blocking stub, such as the method for starting a new workflow execution:

Block stubs

The source code is located under the generated directory (temporal-serviceclient/build/generated/main/java).

Data Conversion

Now we know about the data conversion, but we don’t know how the user data is serialized into gRPC 🤔 How do we get the input parameters or the metadata (gRPC headers) converted correctly? We will discuss them in this section.

This is done using the data converter (DataConverter). The data converter provides a method to convert an input T to a Temporal payload, useful for converting either the headers or the input message itself:

public interface DataConverter {

   * This method converts the given value to a payload, either for the headers or the input message.
   * @param value value to convert
   * @return a {@link Payload} which is a protobuf message containing byte-array serialized
   *     representation of {@code value}. Optional here is for legacy and backward compatibility
   *     reasons. This Optional is expected to always be filled.
   * @throws DataConverterException if conversion fails
  <T> Optional<Payload> toPayload(T value) throws DataConverterException;

  // ...

As you can see, the data converter is an interface, so it does not contain any actual logic. It’s rather a specification to describe the behavior and served as a boundary between the clients (callers) and the implementation providers. There are two implementations provided by the SDK, the GlobalDataConverter (default) and the CodecDataConverter. We will talk about them later on. For now, let’s first focus on the client side, that is, how to use the converter.

We use the converter to convert headers or user input. The input parameters are passed to the method toPayloads(...) or toPayload(...) of the data converter, which converts it into Payloads. Below, you can see an example coming from the WorkflowClientRequestFactory, part of the Temporal SDK, for starting a new workflow execution:

  StartWorkflowExecutionRequest.Builder newStartWorkflowExecutionRequest(
      WorkflowClientCallsInterceptor.WorkflowStartInput input) {
    WorkflowOptions options = input.getOptions();

    StartWorkflowExecutionRequest.Builder request =
            // ...

    // HERE is the data conversion: input arguments -> Payloads
    Optional<Payloads> inputArgs =
    if (options.getWorkflowIdReusePolicy() != null) {

Since the data converter is defined as client options, it also means that we can set the data converters ourselves depending on the need, e.g. using the new codec data converter rather than the global data converter.

But, what are the differences between the global data converter and the codec data converter? The global data converter is powered by the default data converter, which delegates conversion to type specific PayloadConverter instance. It supports 5 encoding types: null, byte-array, protobuf json, protobuf, and jackson json. As for the codec data converter, it is specific to one codec (Json, Zlib, …). For more details, read What is a Data Converter? in the official documentation.


The authorization of the Temporal service client is customizable. It’s up to the users (us) to implement the logic. But at the end, we will need to provide the authorization token as a header for each gRPC request. The Temporal service client helps us to do so by providing an interface for supplying the token:

public interface AuthorizationTokenSupplier {
   * @return token to be passed in authorization header
  String supply();

It supplies the tokens that will be sent to the Temporal server to perform authorization. The default JWT ClaimMapper expects authorization tokens to be in the following format:

Bearer {token}

where {token} must be the Base64 url-encoded value of the token. You can see more details about the JWT web token format under the Claim Mapper section of the official documentation.

But how to hook the supplier into the gRPC request? Well, this is done by using the AuthorizationGrpcMetadataProvider, which should be registered as part of the options of workflow service stubs (WorkflowServiceStubsOptions). Below, you can see the relationship between the stub options, the metadata provider, and the authorization token supplier:

WorkflowServiceStubsOptions stubOptions =
        .addGrpcMetadataProvider(new AuthorizationGrpcMetadataProvider(supplier))

Workflow Service Stubs

Workflow service stubs are an interface to represent the gRPC service stubs for the workflow. It consists of two stubs: a blocking stub and a future stub. As mentioned above, the blocking and future stubs are generated by the gRPC compiler based on the Temporal APIs, described in another Git repository temporalio/api, and used by the workflow stubs as follows:

public interface WorkflowServiceStubs
    extends ServiceStubs<
        WorkflowServiceGrpc.WorkflowServiceFutureStub> {
  // ...

Besides the blocking and future stubs, the service stubs also encapsulate several elements: the raw gRPC channel, the connecting and shutdown logic, and also the health check.

The workflow service stubs can be created using the factory method provided by the interface:

public interface WorkflowServiceStubs
  // ...

  static WorkflowServiceStubs newServiceStubs(WorkflowServiceStubsOptions options) {
    return WorkflowThreadMarker.protectFromWorkflowThread(
        new WorkflowServiceStubsImpl(null, options), WorkflowServiceStubs.class);

In the end, you can use it as follows. You can create a service and use it to perform blocking or non-blocking actions. For example, use it to start a new workflow execution:

var service = WorkflowServiceStubs.newServiceStubs(stubsOptions);
var response = service.blockingStub().startWorkflowExecution(request);

Going Further

How to go further from here?


In this article, we discussed the service client of the Temporal in Java. As part of the Java SDK, it handles interactions with the Temporal server (Temporal frontend) over gRPC. We discussed the module structure, the messages in protobuf, the code generation, the data conversion and converters, the authorization with JWT token, and the workflow services stubs (blocking and future), and some useful links to go further from this article. Interested to know more? You can subscribe to the feed of my blog, follow me on Twitter or GitHub. Hope you enjoy this article, see you the next time!
